[ 音ノ雨 ] Sumika. Soprano Sax-CD jacket Design
ソプラノサクソフォン奏者 Sumikaさんのセカンド・アルバム、音ノ雨、CDジャケット・デザインです。
Soprano saxophonist Sumika's second album, Oto-no-Ame(sound rain), CD jacket design.
The jacket uses tracing paper, and the specifications of the first edition jacket and the regular edition jacket are separated by changing the booklet of the booklet to be put inside. By attaching a frame to the jacket by Thomson processing, the picture changes depending on the contents of the booklet and brings about a change. In addition, the booklet has a second cover to change the impression of the jacket cover, and the design can be changed by changing the folding method of the booklet cover.
The left is the first limited edition jacket The right is the regular jacket.

The left is the first limited edition jacket
The right is the regular jacket.

The top (dark blue) is the first limited edition jacket
The bottom (light blue) is the regular jacket.

Both CDs are the same

The top (dark blue) is the first limited edition booklet
Below (light blue) is the regular edition booklet.
Below (light blue) is the regular edition booklet.

[ 音ノ雨 ] Sumika. Soprano Sax-CD jacket Design
Soprano saxophonist Sumika's second album, Oto-no-Ame(sound rain), CD jacket design.
Released on November 15, 2020