KOTOBUKI BEBUは牛飼料のPB商品として日本で販売されている商品です。
KOTOBUKI BEBU is a product sold in Japan as a PB product for cattle feed.
This time, I designed it from VI of PB product.
This logo uses the logo mark of Kotobuki Co..Ltd, the seller of the product, while using it.
Designed as a cow logo.
This time, I designed it from VI of PB product.
This logo uses the logo mark of Kotobuki Co..Ltd, the seller of the product, while using it.
Designed as a cow logo.
In addition, there are three levels of feed for cattle, and this time we have created a logo for calf feed and feed for parent cows that specialize in producing calves. Each sorting method depends on the type and color of grass that the cow is eating.

The logo is divided into left and right parts on the gusset of the bag.
When the bags are turned upside down and stacked, the logo can be seen from the side so that the product can be seen.
When the bags are turned upside down and stacked, the logo can be seen from the side so that the product can be seen.

寿商会様/牛専用PB飼料 KOTOBUKI BEBU(ことぶきベブ)ブランディング(VI/Naming/PackageDesign YOSHIE TOKUDOME)
KOTOBUKI Co.,Ltd (KANOYA/KAGOSHIMA/JAPAN) https://kotobukishokai.co.jp/
Cattle feed KOTOBUKI BEBU Branding design